Kamis, 22 September 2016

That one fine day

Fira Mellyanti
pict taken by: Shenphay

It was a lovely evening
Starbucks having their 50% discount, me and F's favorite.
We were having a cup of chocolate, it's different from the other day.
Coffee's always our favorite tho.
We sit outside the cafe, so F can enjoy his smoke.

And there was a moment, when I need to take a tissue.
I walk to the inside the coffeeshop, and see there's someone who's standing with others.
He looks different, like his old bag and cap. Even I'm not sure it's true color. He stand but he takes his distance. I'm pretty sure maybe it's his first time buying coffee in such a 'fancy' coffeeshop.

And so, I walk away and tell F as soon as I sit
"You know? I think I saw one strange man, he looks like he's not sure what to order. Maybe it's his first time buying something here. He looks confused, I wonder. Poor him."
"Yea, maybe he's just one of online driver. You know, buying things for his clients," F's said.
"Oh well. No wonder he keeps calling. I mean, I wonder why there's still people using monochrome's phone."

And we keep in silent. Until my eyes catching him walk outside the coffeeshop.
"Oh, here's that guy I was talking about!"
Both me and F seeing him, and soon after the security catching him.
Not for so long, there's another guy walk into that "poor looking guy", and well.
That guy is a pickpockets.
And security catching him. Even he's trying to run, makes everyone on the mall watching them.

"Well, I think you were eyeing the wrong guy," F said.

It makes me even sadder.
I mean, I've put my heart in a wrong guy.
And just, why?
I am, I really am trying for keeping my positively.
Is it too hard to putting somekind of, trust?

Fira Mellyanti / Author & Editor

cheerful, colorful, talkative. interest on everything in beauty. A learner, yet a lover.

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