Selasa, 11 November 2014

Dhita Ramdhanyati - Little Fairy

Fira Mellyanti

Model: Dhita Ramdhanyati Nur Intani
Photo: Gerry Fairus Irsan
Make Up: yours truly

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Brunch Time Story - Short Movie

Fira Mellyanti

this short movie wasn't available online yet
but you can watch their trailer up there!
and as a bonus, here it is: behind the scene

yes yes, I know I missed the interview.
but you still can see me on 1:54-1:56!
*yes, only 2 seconds for the whole 15 minutes, thanks. 

Director: Arief Indra
Producer: Fajar Shohibu
Screenplay: Fajar Shohibu, Arief Indra, Rizki Pratama
Director of Photography: Gerry Fairus Irsan
Art Director: Dhita Rhamdanyati
Make Up & Wardrobe: yours truly
Set Decorator: Ihya Ulum Aldin, Fadil Muhammad, M. Alif Hudanto
Sound Recordist: Radian "Jawa" Kanugroho
Sound Designer: Aditya Diveranta
Editor: Alinurdin Husain

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

red lips lippen red

Fira Mellyanti
pict source:

sometimes, the easiest way to look sexy is wearing red.
red dress, red accessories, and way more
tapi sayangnya nggak semua perempuan cukup pede menggunakan merah di bibir mereka
alasannya sih, nggak mau kelihatan 'murah' atau menor gitu.
oh well, is that so?
read more

Kamis, 17 April 2014


Fira Mellyanti
Well then
It's been a long time for me to not share about my personal life. Hihi.
I would love to share about my new boyf.
It is not that "new" actually.
We've been in relationship for about 4 month.
But still, it's still new for me.
New person, new backgrounds

He is my senior on my collage.
3 years older, actually
I see him 3 years ago, on welcoming month for my faculty.
But I knew him, about a year after.
That time, he's leading my organization (yes, you know. Cc.)
Also, that time he was boyf of my another friends.

Well, how we get close?
Making movies.
That day, he's no longer leader at my organization.
No, he is no longer with his girlf.
Since that day, we were getting closer and closer.

Somehow, I ask my self "why the hell I knew him?"
He's just like a bastard!
No, not literally bastard.
But the way we get closer, when I remembered it these day, was just..
A little bit absurd.

I was independent that day.
Enjoying my self alone and free.
And accidentally he makes me 'need' him.

Simple, as he makes me needs friend when I was doing my homework.
His availability when I need some stuff, and slowly he makes me need him.

Silly, when I remembered that he makes me promise (which is also his promises) that we were meet up EVERYDAY.
Everyday like
for a month.

And we made it.
Even just a few minutes for a day.
But we met, everyday.
We do not much things.
But we share everything
He is wise, but childish at the same time.
He is serious, but fun at the same time.
The most important is, he can lead me.
He always answered every single questions I've asked.

I just, love him. Just the way he is.
And he makes me love my self.
I've learn a lot, even our relationship were just, new.

Maybe i'm not the person that easily say "I love you" or some cheesy things.
I always say what I want directly.
Not with those code or whatsoever.
And thanks God, he can easily accepted me with everything I am.

Hey F
Thankyou for being you.
I love you :)

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

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