kali ini aku nggak nulis soal beauty atau jalan jalan,
tapi aku mau cerita soal one of my favorite book, like ever. ever. ever.
yes yes, the famous book, #88LoveLife vol. 2
Please understand this is not a review,
but how this book suddenly change my life and inspire me everyday.
Jadi. prolognya (iya harus banget cerita prolog)
Buku ini ditulis oleh Diana Rikasari (one of my favorite fashion blogger, been reading her blog since 2009, I guess?) dan ilustrasinya dibuat oleh Dinda PS. (she's one of my favorite blogger too! been reading her blog since 2011, even I bought myself her product from curious and wear the bunny bunny head for sometime)
and well, I. AM. A. BIG. FANS.
udah kayak super seneng banget waktu tau Kak Diana dan Kak Dinda maen ke Bandung.
dari yang siangnya ngebelain nyari "hadiah" buat mereka (dan akhirnya beli bunga sih), terus dibawa seharian karena ada wisudaan temen, sampe duduk di Gramedia Merdeka dari satu jam sebelum acara.
sampe udah mau nangis garagara ternyata bunganya udah mau layu.
And finally here they are!
please abaikan muka super sumringah saya
untung bunganya match sama outfit mereka :"''')
it feels like, childhood dreams come true :')
Okay. so.. What I really love about this book was..
Rasanya kayak "cocok banget sama hidup aku!"
*lebay sih. tapi emang bener. serius!
since this book talk about "Love" and "Life"
let me show you some of my favorite part.
Real love grows out of imperfection,
because perfection grows adoration and admiration,
but nothing more
everytime I saw my F's, this quotation always repeated on my mind.
through the ups and downs, good and bad,
ternyata, emang iya.
I was admiring someone once, but then it went nowhere.
we're close enough, and that's it.
I am admiring him. but no, nothing more.
it feels different when I'm with F's.
because sometimes, I miss all about his imperfection
dang it, kak Di. You've got me.
At the end of the day,
you are the leader of your own life.
People provide maps, you choose the path
And so..
yang aku rasain, aku selalu galau belakangan
lulus mau kemana? mau jadi apa?
nerusin karir di jurnalistik?
atau mau serius di Make up?
Mau balik pulang ke Malang?
Stay di Bandung?
Atau moving ke Jakarta?
That question tho,
I mean, I've been asking a lot of people.
some of them said
"Yaudah di Bandung aja sih, udah buka link gitu kan."
"Kalo mau berkembang ya harus ngerasain Jakarta"
"Kalo belom tau mau ngapain mending di Malang"
until (again, Mr. F) said
"Ya terserah kamu, itu kan hidup kamu.
kamu nyamannya dimana? kemana?
kamu harus belajar memutuskan sesuatu,
minimal untuk hidup kamu."
and after read #09, it feels like.
Dang it kak Di, you've got me. again.
I learned that in life, when we're lucky enough, lots of opportunities will come to you. Many doors will open for you. Nevertheless, as tempting as they all are, we do not need to take them all.
Take chances. but not all.
Not only money makes you greedy, opportunities do too. Live life to the fullest, but take it slow. Leave some space for yourself. Keep the glass half full and half empty.
Interestingly, some emptiness keeps you full.
Rasanya kayak ditampar waktu baca #44.
rasanya kaya,
I was too greedy when it talks about opportunity.
there was a moment when setiap kali ada tawaran nge Make up, atau yang lain lain
aku suka nggak ngefilter.
semua diambil, semua di oke-in.
and somehow, too greedy for such an opportunity not really good for your life tho.
yang paling kerasa sih,
aku jadi ngegampangin tidur dan makan (yang berbuntut jadi penyakitan)
dan skripsi yang nggak selesai selesai.
ada satu momen dimana aku tegas, aku nggak akan ambil gawean apapun dulu
minimal, sampai bab IV selesai
and well, I think it works.
Dang it Kak Di. You've got me. again. and again.
Disamping quote yang super duper inspiring
I just really love all the illustration here.
Kalo mau dibandingin #88lovelife Vol. 1 dan Vol. 2,
buku yang Vol. 2 kerasa jauh, jauh, jjaaauuhh lebih berwarna daripada Vol.1
it doesn't mean Vol. 1 not that good,
I love Vol. 1 too, because there's a lot of pink pages :'D
(and not to mention, #88lovelife vol. 1 was a gift from F for our first anniversary)
my favorite illustration?
Your happy life is a mindset away
Happy. life.
with a lot of colorful flowers.
it makes me happy tho.
"Oh right Kak Dinda, I have a happy life like all those flowers blooming.
this is what I thought about this books.
and how this book leads me for being a better person.
Thank you, thank you kak Diana and kak Dinda.
for being inspiring.