Jumat, 27 September 2013


Fira Mellyanti
a few days a go, I just can't sleep and made this.
actually, Cindy Biantoto and Diana Rikasari inspire me so much
so that I made it
and you know?

 Diana Rikasari post it on her instagram
wait, even andra alodita leave a compliment there
and I just so blessed
Thank you for your apreciate, maybe I will make some more
no, I mean, so much more

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Pola Polaroid

Fira Mellyanti
a LOT of people were angry to me
when I have special event, I always bring my polaroid camera
but then, when I start to take a picture, they always says
"cheater! you always have the picture!"
so that, I share those picture here ;)

Selasa, 02 April 2013

Mylo Xyloto

Fira Mellyanti

this nail were made when I listening to Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay
kinda inspire me that I wish I have this galaxy things on my nail
btw, which one do you like the most? left, or right? :D

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Petek Lebay and 2012

Fira Mellyanti
 - Pep cut his hair. His face is not cute at all :(
 - Having a LOT of cheese rolls with pep yay!
 - my very first score are out! Not really good, but it makes me happy
 - Fluffy beybi wuff!
 - Vivin's birthday

 - Pep birthday!
 - Pep first trip to Bandung
 - met Dani after a looooooong time
 - perahu kertas (novel)
 - Bowling woohhoooo
 - Chikax birthday
 - Rissa's birthday

 - Pit's birthday
 - about finished my first short movie
 - Liza's Birthday
 - been a month in Nangor
 - Sugarush Trip
 - Moviekom, Premiere of "Cicing!"

 - Chiko on progress
 - met CoboyJunior, Agnes Monica, Rio Dewanto, and so so on
 - Chartfest
 - I just realize something and, I feel bad :(
 - make my saving account
 - Cia's Birthday
 - Njee's Birthday

 - My birthdaay! YAAYY!
 - been gone to KL and Singapore
 - first time to know uncle, hihihi

 - Culture Festive, CHINDIA!
 - final exam, got a lot of A! Yayayayay!
 - Experiment project!
 - Done my Chiko!
 - Taste The T-Shirt with Benefiko and Kuntawiaji

 - 1st day fasting
 - TOT for Transformasi
 - preparation of Experiment short movie, epic!
 - Pep comes with his friend, we have a big fight and almost broke up. but then, everything went well
 - Pid's first day in Nangor and Bandung

 - Mom's Birthday
 - Transformasi 2012
 - Nana's Birthday
 - Happy Ied Mubarak Everyone!
 - 2 years anniversary

 - Dad's birthday
 - Journalism Studies
 - OJ!
 - I Don't Think So
 - Dini's Birthday

 - Made a lot of silly picture
 - CC's welcoming day
 - Mas Yayan's wedding day
 - Dilla's Birthday
 - Mancak Transformasi 2012
 - Shooting of Experiment

 - Farhan's birthday
 - Coming up: a dozen of shoes
 - change my header blog
 - 5cm Roadshow to UNPAD Jatinangor
 - about to start  my fashion diary

 - went to KOMPAS TV
 - Having a lot of trip to Jakarta
 - gone to Malang
 - Dani's Birthday
 - Gatari's Birthday
 - Happy New Yeeaaarr!

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