Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

saya dan 2011

Fira Mellyanti
-disibukkan dengan persiapan UAS
-new year yang luar biasa with the eur fams :)
-libur semester satu :)
-PMDK, emm..
-wishing for UNPAD

-happy valentine day :)
-happy birthday love, hope you like it :)
-happy birthday chikaa, I love you :*
-try out -3-

-happy birthday my big lipidd :*
-try out, pelajaran khusus.
-kicked out from SNMPTN Undangan :(

-happy birthday putri sashia :)
-hp samsung putih ilang :((
-welcome samsung corby txt yellow :)
-masih belajar buat SNMPTN Tulis
-welcome home my blackberry pearl flip pink :)
-happy birthday vega restia :)

-saya 18 tahun!
-what a surprise from you guys :)
-SNMPTN Tulis hari pertama

-SNMPTN tulis hari kedua
-SNMPTN tes gambar
-a long long holiday at jakarta :)
-peppy mau sekolah dimana? :(

-pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di jatinangor
-brand new samsung galaxy tab, present from dad for his new college girl :) thanks dad, love you smoooooch
-first time meet christin vivian parmita marbun and kristin martalisa siagian :)
-menemukan dan menata kamar kos di ciseke :)
-long distance relationship

-happy fasting :)
-happy birthday mom :)
-masa bimbingan hahaha
-mulai mengenal ILKOM-C FIKOM UNPAD 2011 hahaha
-jatinangor = amazing
-happy to have a friends like you, vin :)
-1st year anniversary. love you as always, beb :*
-happy Ied Mubarak :)

-happy birthday andini septriayuningrum :)
-happy birthday bapak :)
-back to jatinangor
-pep jadi mahasiswa ITN planologi :)
-mulai kuliah beneran
-HIFI! Shake your hands, break the boundaries, and be UNITED!
-my old blackberry broke itself :(

-happy birthday ardilla uswatun chasanah :)
-beauty class, hahaha
-I lost my bag at public transportation :(
-bapak come to jatinangor :)
-emak juga dateng ke nangor :)
-new new new blackberry pink gemini :)
-malam puncak FENOMENA 2011 :)
-kenal lebih dekat dengan Liza Kemala Dewi, Mellysa Widyastuti, Clarissa Xenia, dan Elizabeth Augustina Sagala :)
-Kick Andy!

-MAKRAB 2011 :)
-detik detik menjelang uas hm
-cinemanamana :)
-KMF Fikom Unpad :)
-Kappa fikom unpad :)
-hujan di jatinangor

-she hate me, but why?
-minggu tenang 2011 B)
-happy birthday esdaniar khoirunisa :)
-happy wedding for ibnu sam widodo and mrs :)
-beach beaches bitches :D
-home for a week! love to have peppy :)
-happy birthday gatari surya kusuma :)
-UAS semester 1 ._.
-Kyle Patrick Private Party (and it cancel itself :( )
-welcome long holiday :)
-don't know why, it feels like somethingwrong
-happy birthday roselina eka septarini :)
-happy new year everyone :)

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Why Petek?

Fira Mellyanti

Well, Petek was my childhood name
but then, people continues to call me "Petek" anyways

so, what is it?
"Petek" was the slang name of "Pitik"
which means "chicken" in javanese.
wait, what?
yes, you read it right.
at that time one of my friends calls me "petek"
and all of my friends follows her

it's because
1. there is 2 "Fira" in my class. the pretty one and unpretty one.
yes, I am the unpretty of course.
and so, I give the "Fira" tittle to my friends
2. I am a talkative person.
like, literally, I love to talk A LOT. 
it just like, you know, chicken, I guess?

and, why "Lebay"?
another slang of 'berlebihan' (hyperbolic in english)
by all means, I am one of hyperactive person.
and expressive too much to everything.
"Lebay" title must be suit me much, don't you think?

and so, I really appreciate if you call me Fira
but, you will feel 'closer' to me with "Petek"

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Keep in Touch

Fira Mellyanti

For direct communication with me,
you can get me through mail:
or through Line@:

but also, you can find me through everything
go click "contact" up there

can't wait to keep in touch with you guys!


Fira Mellyanti

Well known as Petek Lebay
But then, it's Fira Mellyanti Izzazi

May 7th, 1993
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
Journalism Studies, Padjadjaran University

Madly in love with everything in pattern and beauty
as in make up, fashion, photography, and so so.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


Fira Mellyanti
jujur ya?
author-nya mbak Fifi Alvianto sama mbak Hanna Faridl

fotonya? Fashionable, and sooo sooo cuuttee

oke oke aku lagi alay
tapi kalo mau jujur, iya aku suka banget sama blognya mereka
guess what?
so so fashionable even with hijab
sometimes, I feel very un-fashionable by wearing this scarf
but hey, look at them!
they looks sooo pretty!

well then, click here

sonia eryka

Fira Mellyanti
lagi suka baca blognya mbak ini
I Love her fashion sense :D

bagus sih emang, menurut pendapat pribadi

go and visit her here

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

be a fashion blogger

Fira Mellyanti
how? I don't know!
pengen banget sih, kalo mau jujur

tapi kalo bayangin bujet yang keluar, hm.
mikirnya 10 kali kayaknya ya

bukan masalah keliatan modisnya.
aku sadar diri kok, aku nggak ngerti gitu gituan
but hey, I love fashion!
trus salahnya dimana?

ini nggakenaknya punya cita cita tapi tidak terdukung di banyak hal

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